July 16, 2019 Product Developers Urban Malc
KumuluzEE Health Microprofile-Health HTTP health check

KumuluzEE Health 2.0.1 released

We are happy to announce a new major version of the KumuluzEE Health. This version implements the MicroProfile Health 2.0 specification. This release contains updates which improve the compatibility of health checks with Kubernetes and its readiness and liveness probes.

NOTE: This release contains breaking changes. Upgrade with caution.

The health checks are now divided into two groups: readiness and liveness checks. In short - if a liveness check fails it means that the service is stuck and should be restarted. If a readiness check fails it means that the service is temporary unavailable and should not receive requests until all readiness checks succeed.

Custom health checks must now be annotated with @Liveness or @Readiness (or both). These replace the @Health annotation, which still works but is deprecated as of this release.

The extension now exposes two endpoints: /health/live and /health/ready. These endpoints correspond to the above-mentioned groups of health checks. The /health endpoint still works (returns health checks from both groups combined) but is deprecated as of this release. Property names in the JSON response have also been changed in this release.

The built-in health checks can now be registered in either of the above-mentioned groups by using configuration keys. The API for programmatic registration of health checks has also been changed in order to reflect the division of health checks into two groups.


  • Split health checks into two groups.
  • Added /health/live and /health/ready endpoints.
  • Updated programmatic API to reflect the division of health checks.
  • Filter health check logging by type.
  • Added ability to register built-in checks as a specific type.


  • Upped dependency versions.
  • Renamed output to status and state to status in the output JSON.

More details about this release can be found on GitHub.

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