November 2, 2020 Product Developers Urban Malc
KumuluzEE OpenAPI KumuluzEE Health Microprofile JavaEE

New releases of KumuluzEE OpenAPI MP and Health

We have just released new versions of KumuluzEE OpenAPI MP and KumuluzEE Health. New features include a Maven plugin which generates OpenAPI schema at compile-time, a new health check for Kafka clusters and integration between the two extensions.

KumuluzEE OpenAPI MicroProfile 1.3.0

This version of KumuluzEE OpenAPI MicroProfile brings a new Maven plugin which generates OpenAPI schema at compile-time and a new SPI interface which can be used to extend the generated schema.

To use the new Maven plugin add it to pom.xml:


On next build the schema will be available in target/generated/openapi.yaml and target/generated/openapi.json. For more information about the maven plugin, see README.

The new SPI interface allows extension developers to extend the generated schema. To use it implement the interface and register it with a service file.

KumuluzEE Health 2.3.0

This release of KumuluzEE Health brings a new health check for Kafka clusters, integration with KumuluzEE OpenAPI MP and a minor bugfix.

The new health check allows you to monitor the health status of your Kafka cluster. To use it add the kafka-clients dependency (already included in kumuluzee-streaming) and activate it in the configuration framework. For example in config.yml:

        bootstrap-servers: localhost:9095,localhost:9096,localhost:9097
        minimum-available-nodes: 2
        request-timeout-ms: 1000

For more information see README.

We have integrated KumuluzEE Health with KumuluzEE OpenAPI MP extension. You can now add /health, /health/ready and /health/live endpoints to OpenAPI schema by activating the integration in the configuration framework. For example in config.yml:

      enabled: true

We are excited to bring these two new releases into your hands!

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