February 18, 2019 Product Developers Domen Kajdič
KumuluzEE OpenTracing Microprofile Jaeger Zipkin

Announcing initial release of KumuluzEE OpenTracing!

The first version of KumuluzEE OpenTracing has been released. It implements the MicroProfile OpenTracing specification 1.2.1. Initial version of KumuluzEE OpenTracing brings full power of distributed tracing to your new/existing microservices. From automatic tracing of incoming JAX-RS requests to tracing function calls with annotations, the extensions has all the necessary features.

Full feature list includes:

  • Automatic tracing of incoming JAX-RS requests,
  • Tracing outgoing JAX-RS requests by adding a single line of code,
  • Manual tracing with @Traced annotation,
  • Customized tracing by Tracer class injection,

Currently, the extensions supports two of the most popular tracing providers: Zipkin and Jaeger. Getting started is as easy as including one dependency to your project:




For more information, read the extension documentation, read MicroProfile specification or check out the sample project to kickstart your tracing adventure!

We also recommend reading a more in-depth guide on how to trace microservices in the article Tracing KumuluzEE microservices with Jaeger.

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