September 17, 2017 Product Developers Benjamin Kastelic
KumuluzEE Security OAuth 2.0 OpenID

Using KumuluzEE Security

KumuluzEE Security is a security extension for the KumuluzEE microservice framework. It provides support for OpenID authentication through standard Java EE security annotations for roles. It is specifically targeted towards securing REST services. Roles are mapped to the selected OpenID provider. KumuluzEE Security has been designed to work with different OpenID providers. Currently only Keycloak is supported. Contributions for other OpenID providers are welcome.


You can enable the KumuluzEE Security authentication with Keycloak by adding the following dependency:


Security configuration

To protect a REST service using KumuluzEE Security authentication you have to annotate the REST application class with the @DeclareRoles annotation. When using the @DeclareRoles annotation the Keycloak configuration (keycloak.json) has to be provided with configuration key The configuration key can be defined as an environment variable, file property or config server entry (if using the KumuluzEE Config extension with support for etcd/Consul). Please refer to KumuluzEE Config for more information. Optionally you can also provide the configuration in code using the @Keycloak annotation.

Example of security configuration with configuration override:

@DeclareRoles({"user", "admin"})
@Keycloak(json =
        "{" +
        "  \"realm\": \"customers\"," +
        "  \"bearer-only\": true," +
        "  \"auth-server-url\": \"https://localhost:8082/auth\"," +
        "  \"ssl-required\": \"external\"," +
        "  \"resource\": \"customers-api\"" +
public class CustomerApplication extends Application {

It is possible to specify security constraints for JAX-RS resources using the standard @DenyAll, @PermitAll and @RolesAllowed Java annotations.

Example of security constraints:

public class CustomerResource {

    public Response getCustomer(@PathParam("customerId") String customerId) {

    public Response addNewCustomer(Customer customer) {

NOTE: When using the non CDI security constraint annotations, note that these constraints behave as if they were declared in the web.xml descriptor, i.e. the url patterns do not support path parameters.

The security extension also supports CDI based security, which means that security constraints are checked and resolved during method invocation. To enable CDI based security just add @Secure annotation to the CDI bean and use the standard Java security annotations as before.

Example of CDI based security:

public class CustomerResource {

    public Customer getCustomer(String customerId) {

    public void addNewCustomer(Customer customer) {

When using the CDI based security it is also possible to provide application role mappings. The specified role mappings transform Keycloak roles into internal application roles. Role mappings are defined using the key.

Example role mapping configuration:

      user: role_user
      admin: role_admin

More details can be found at KumuluzEE Security and by taking a look at KumuluzEE Security and KumuluzEE Security CDI sample projects.

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